Forensics StartMe Updates (7/1/2023)


If people have suggestions for additions please feel free to shoot me a message on Twitter (@KevinPagano3) or Mastodon.

Blog Feed


Getting Started in DFIR

Digital Forensics Lab - CYL2002 - FAST

Memory / RAM Tools

VolWeb - A centralized and enhanced memory analysis platform


onedrive user enumeration - pentest tool to enumerate valid o365 users

Other Utilities

Tesseract - Open Source OCR Engine

PE / Malware Tools

Qu1cksc0pe  - All-in-One malware analysis tool

Run in Sandbox - Run PS1, VBS, CMD, EXE, MSI, Intunewin, MSIX, or extract ISO, ZIP in Windows Sandbox very quickly just from a right-click

SANS Posters & Other Cheat Sheets

PowerShell Cheat Sheet v4.0

Test Device & Analysis Setup

WIN-FOR - Windows Forensics Environment Builder