Forensics StartMe Updates (2/1/2023)


If people have suggestions for additions please feel free to shoot me a message on Twitter (@KevinPagano3) or Mastodon.

DFIR YouTube Feed



Forensic Tools

Hayabusa - sigma-based threat hunting and fast forensics timeline generator for Windows event logs

Getting Started in DFIR

FREE DFIR First Responder Bootcamp - Pop Pop Ret

Lessons Learned from Cybersecurity Mentoring - hacks4pancakes

Memory / RAM Tools

MAGNET DumpIt for Linux - Magnet Forensics

MAGNET DumpIt for Windows - Magnet Forensics

Mobile Tools

bundleID_lookup - A Python script to query iTunes for info related to an app bundleID

Sysdiagnose Monitoring Tool - Hexordia

Syslog Monitor - Hexordia

Other Utilities - is a cross-platform (Windows, macOS, & Linux) python script to help make the documentation process easier

GPXSee - GPS log file viewer and analyzer


CyberWire Daily

SANS Poster & Cheatsheets

13cubed Cheat Sheets

Useful Links